Finding the Light After Birth Trauma: A supportive workshop for women who have experienced birth trauma

We recognise the sensitive and vulnerable nature of birth trauma, and at no point will you be asked to share your full birth story with the group. During the event there will be a quiet space for anyone who would like to honour some quiet self time, if the need arises. Due to the nature of this event, this is a baby/child free event to ensure upmost presence and healing can occur. 

What to expect on the day:

Welcome, orientation to the space and flow of the day

  • What is birth trauma?

Monika will speak into what trauma is, how it manifests in the body and the role our mind plays in our trauma

Claire will explore instinct injury, and the role the maternity system has in influencing your birth experience and attributing to your trauma

Kirsty will share insights and reflection on mothering in the wake of birth trauma and impacts on the family unit

  • Break for morning tea (light morning tea provided)

  • Truth Mandela led by Monika a gentle interactive activity to help identify your emotions and express them in a safe way

  • Healing Trauma: Learn various tools and techniques to help yourself through your trauma journey. Activities or techniques such as tapping, birth debriefing, TRE (trauma release exercises) and you will also receive a directory of trauma informed providers here in Darwin that can support your mind, body & spirit

  • Breath Exercise: Be safely guided through music and gentle prompts to explore the sensations and feelings that arise within your body. This session will be closed with a crystal sound bowl healing by Kirsty

  • Learn & discover the therapeutic benefits of aromatherapy as you are invited to craft your own essential oil roller bend

  • Closing Cirlce